On the Fourth of July, we celebrate our American heritage and the men and women responsible for defending us from tyranny and terrorism. Today’s active-duty military men and women endure harsh desert conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan. These brave men and women also sacrifice time with their families while risking their lives to protect Americans and deter dangerous dictators and groups seeking to prey upon the weak and the oppressed.
On this Fourth of July, I would ask that we all take time to ponder the freedoms that we have and give thanks to those who have contributed to or who continue to contribute to our security and liberty today. We are a nation of free thinkers and courageous lovers of freedom and are so privileged to be able to enjoy the protection of a robust military force. For that we should all celebrate.
We should also celebrate the sure judgment our Founding Fathers, men who were devoted to forming a better nation with never-seen-before ideals of protecting its citizens from the tyranny of an overreaching government. Leaders throughout our nation’s history have worked to improve our government’s respect for its citizens and to lead them through difficult times. I for one am extremely grateful to them.
May God richly bless you and may you have an excellent Fourth of July weekend!
During the interim I will be traveling throughout the district, but will be available anytime for your calls or emails to my office. Call me at:(405) 557-7349 or email me at: https://webmail.okhouse.gov/owa/redir.aspx?C=a28451f52f0d473caade1e368353d0ea&URL=mailto%3aJosh.Cockroft%40okhouse.gov.